Publications Page
Several long time WCMT members have published books and articles. Read about their involvement in WCMT and music therapy in Wisconsin and refer to the links below that highlight some of their published works. This is not an all inclusive list, please submit more published Wisconsin MT-BC’s to the Webmaster to be listed here.

Dr. Dale Taylor
Wisconsin Chapter for Music TherapyCredentials & Specialty Area
Dale B. Taylor, Ph.D., MT-BC
Specialty area: Music Therapy Educator with focus on Music Therapy and the Brain, also Music Listening Protocols — I serve on the AMTA Music Therapy Informed Music Listening Task Force. I am currently preparing a script for an Podcast on this topic.
Contributions to WCMT
I hosted a GLR Conference in 1973 during which I served as Chair of the founding meetings for our state chapter. I served as CoChair, then Chair of the statewide task force that wrote “Healthiest Wisconsin 2010”- the WI Department of Health Services’ Public Health Plan, I then was Chair of the Environmental and Occupational Health Hazards Subcommittee for Phase II of the Wisconsin Public Health Plan Implementation Planning Executive Committee; I also served on multiple Wisconsin Arts Board Grant Review Panels. In addition to having taught at Alverno, Augsburg and UW-Eau Claire, I also taught a summer at Mt. Senario College in Ladysmith, WI, and I designed and wrote the entire curriculum for Carroll University when I was hired there as a consultant in 2014. Most recently, I obtained Wisconsin Medical Society approval for inclusion of preferred song listings in the Advance Care Planning process.
Biomedical Foundations of Music as Therapy (2010). Barton Publication: Eau Claire, WI
The Biomedical Theory of Music Therapy. (2008). In Introduction to Approaches in Music Therapy, 2nd Ed., Alice-Ann Darrow, ed., Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.
Music Therapy and the Brain: Treating Cognitive Dysfunctions. Podcast. Posted Dec. 2010 by the American Music Therapy Association, Silver Spring, MD.
Musically Stimulated Neuroplasticity: The Science Behind Recovery From Acquired Brain Trauma. (2014). Music Therapy Advances in Neuro-disability – Innovations in Research and Practice: Summary Report and Reflections on a Two-Day International Conference, InVoices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, Vol. 14, (1).
Road to a New Path. (2014). In Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injuries, Newmark, A., Roy Bornstein, C., & Woodruff, L., eds., Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC. http://www.chickensoup.
Personalized Listening and Music Therapy. AMTA E-course. AMTA Music & Memory Work Group. Chapter 8: Dale Taylor: Additional initiatives for clinical programs, legislation, and research related to music therapy and personalized music listening programs; Chapter 9: Dale Taylor: Focus of in-service about music therapy and Music & Memory. Published 2017: American Music Therapy Association.

Kathy Schumacker
Wisconsin Chapter for Music TherapyCredentials & Specialty Area
Specialty area: youth with developmental dissabilities, math and literacy tutoring through music; developing strategies to help kids with autism learn to read, phonological awareness.
Contributions to WCMT
As a former president of the Wisconsin Chapter for Music Therapy, and a speaker at GLR conferences hosted in Wisconsin, Kathy is at the forefront of all things music therapy in Wisconsin
Several books, such as “I Can Sing My Alphabet Sounds” help music therapists working with young persons with special needs and literacy acquisition, and more. Kathy is a prolific songwriter. Click on the “Tuneful Teaching” to see all of her publications for sale.
Kathy’s sister also makes movement props and other supplies for music therapists, click the link for “Bear Paw Creek” to see all items and read the story of how Kathy’s work in music therapy helped inspire this.

Laurie Farnan
Wisconsin Chapter for Music TherapyCredentials & Specialty Area
“Laurie Farnan, MMT, MT-BC, WMTR has influenced professional music therapy practice in a visionary way throughout the past 3+ decades. She served as the Coordinator of Music Therapy Services at Central Wisconsin Center for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmentally Disabilities for 36 years, training 121 interns. Laurie has designed research-based innovative sensory stimulation techniques to enhance the music experience for people with developmental disabilities, and her original song-writing work provides scaffolding for the development of songwriting skills that can be generalized to a variety of settings and populations. Laurie has served professional music therapy
associations at the state, regional and national levels. She has influenced the growth of music therapy from the grassroots clinical perspective, serving as a role model and continuing to push boundaries and develop services to meet the current and future consumers.” AMTA 2011 Conference Program.
Specialty Areas: MT for those with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. Other professional activities currently include MT consulting. Sensory based approaches in MT, community engagement strategies in working with music in health care settings, quality improvement strategies, adaptations of instruments, clinically based compositional techniques and designing music therapy interventions to meet active treatment needs.
She serves as an ongoing resource to the Madison Symphony Orchestra and their HeartStrings community engagement initiative. Heartstrings provides interactive theme-based sessions to 10 health care partner locations through planned interactions with a live string quartet. She continues to facilitate HeartStrings sessions each month at Central Wisconsin Center.
Since recently retiring from full time clinical work, she has kept up an active consulting, teaching and writing schedule. She has been a guest lecturer and continuing education instructor at AMTA National and Regional conferences, Department of Neurology UW Hospital, League of American Orchestras national conference, Maryville University, University of Iowa and University of North Dakota. Her international presentations include Canada, Ireland and Japan. She was invited to author the chapter Music Therapy for Individuals with ID/DD for the upcoming AMTA text publication “Music Therapy: An Introduction to the Profession”,expected publication date fall of 2018.
She has received several national, regional and state awards including:
2014 Wisconsin Music Therapist of the Year
2011 Great Lakes Region Scholarly Activity Award
2011 American Music Therapy Association Lifetime Achievement Award
2005 Governor’s Certificate of Commendation – State of Wisconsin
2003 National Service Award – American Music Therapy Association
2001 Award of Excellence – Central Center
1997 Exceptional Performance Award – State of Wisconsin Dept of Health and Family Services
1996 Great Lakes Region Service Award
Contributions to WCMT
Participated in the months of planning, writing and interdisciplinary (Art and Dance Therapy) development of WMTR designation. Included providing committee testimony to the then Department of Licensing and Regulation, State of Wisconsin. The WCMT designation began to be available in 1997.
Designed a grid to report pertinent research to the Therapeutic Intervention Advisory Committee, State of Wisconsin. Completed extensive literature searches and reviews in collaboration with WCMT Government Relations and an attorney from Disabilities Rights Wisconsin. The result of our combined efforts was the advancement of Music Therapy from a lower classification up to a level 3 classification which has had a positive impact on approval of funding for services. Continue to monitor research and attend TIAC review meetings when Music Therapy is on the agenda.
2018 Chapter author: Music Therapy Strategies with Individuals with
Intellectual/developmental disabling conditions. Music Therapy: An Introduction to the
Profession(projected publication date late fall of 2018). AMTA, Silver Spring, MD
2012 HeartStrings: A Guide to Music Therapy-Informed Community Engagement for
Symphony Orchestras. Contributing author. Madison Symphony Orchestra
2008 Chapter author- Music Therapy with Children and Adults with Intellectual Disabling
Conditions. An Introduction to Music Therapy Theory and Practice, Third
Addition.AMTA Publishers, Silver Spring, MD.
2007 Music Therapy and Developmental Disabilities: A Glance Back and a Look Forward
Music Therapy Perspectives v 25 n 2
2007 Book Review in Music Therapy Perspectives:
“Clinical Training Guide for the Student Music Therapist”
2001 Chapter author – Competency-Based Approach to Intern Supervision
Supervision in Music Therapy; Barcelona Publishers, Gilsum, NH
1998 Contributing author, Helping Adults with Mental Retardation Grieve a Death Loss.
Luchterhand and Murphy, Eds., Accelerated Development, Philadelphia, PA
2002/1996 Chapter author, Models of Music Therapy Interventions in School Settings: From Institution
to Inclusion, Wilson, Ed. NAMT/AMTA, Silver Spring, MD
1992 – 1999 Column Editor: Issues in Clinical Training Music Therapy Perspectives
1993 Fractunes: 20th Century Light Organ, Music Therapy Perspectives, v 11, n2.
1990 Adapting Instruments for Students with Special Needs, Music K-8, v1, n2
1990 Legal Issues in Clinical Training, Music Therapy Perspectives, v8.
1989 Music Therapy in a Transdisciplinary Setting, Journal of Practical Approaches in
DD,v.13, n2 CANADA
1988 Music Is For Everyone and Everyone Can Move,
Hal Leonard/Jenson Publications, Milwaukee, WI
1987 Composing Music for Use in Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, v4
1985 Book review Mental Retardation, v24, n4
1984 Book review, Mental Retardation, v 22, n1
1982 Contributing author and reviewer on Federal Grant Project,
Music Therapy for Handicapped Children

Brenna Liebold
Wisconsin Chapter for Music TherapyCredentials & Specialty Area
Specialty Area: Music therapy with geriatrics, developmental disabilities, oncology, hospice, and physical rehabilitation. Other professional activities include small business MT mentoring/consulting, community music appreciation classes, conventional and adapted music lessons for individuals with disabilities, teaching and creating curriculum for early childhood music classes, performances as a singer, guitarist, autoharpist, and Native American flutist.
Contributions to WCMT
As the author of the book Music Listening for Relaxation and public relations representative for the Wisconsin Chapter for Music Therapy for nearly a decade, Ms. Liebold strives to educate the public about music therapy and its role in health and well-being.
The Busy Bitty Bee Books™ is a series of interactive apps and ebooks specifically written to utilize music to teach and/or practice academic and social skills to children between the ages of 3 and 10. Click on the link to find the four books, can be purchased for either Android or Apple devices.
In addition to writing musical children’s books, Brenna has been involved in oncology research. She has also written a book called “Music Listening for Relaxation”.