Music Therapists Help Ease Treatment Of Children With Severe Burns

BOSTON — Shriners Hospital for Children in Boston is marking 10 years of its music therapy program. The program involves the clinical use of music in a medical setting to accomplish therapeutic goals such as pain management, anxiety reduction…

The Neurochemistry of Music

The Neurochemistry of Music Written by Mona Lisa Chanda and Daniel J. Levitin Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, QC H3A 1B1, Canada Music is usedto regulatemoodand arousal in everydaylife and to promote physical…

Music Therapy Helps Tackle Parkinson’s

Victor Trivett, 88, plays on his blue kazoo. The instrument is used to help regulate the breathing of people with Parkinson's. Trivett was a ballroom dancer and a disk jockey for over thirty years, which ended when he began to manifest the symptoms…